Rahul Bader, drum circle
Rahul Bader recently graduated from Simon Fraser University's Contemporary Arts department, with a BFA concentration in music. He is an educator, composer, performer and dancer, and has worked with dozens of choreographers, film makers, students and fellow musicians creating and performing music. In 2005, he was chosen as a participant to attend SFU's Ghana Field School, to study the traditional drumming and dancing of various coastal and inlands cultures of the West African region. He has been trained as dance accompanist, working to create music rhythms and improvisation for formal and nonformal dance classes. In 2007, Rahul was trained by world famous drum circle facillitator, Arthur Hull of Village Music Circles, in the art of drum circle facillitation. While living in BC, he created a group entitled the Rhythm Collective, that was a non-profit group that gave free music workshops to the public and body of students. As a composer he has developed scores for animation film, contemporary dance, and mixed chamber ensembles. As an educator he has worked teaching music to teens, special needs groups, summer camps, university students and public school teachers. While primarily a world percussionist, Rahul also enjoys also playing a variety of world flutes and tap dancing.
Course: Rhythm Skills, drum circle Gr 4-6
When: Tuesday 5pm to 6pm
Cost: $2 per hour